Local Information

We try to keep this page as up to date as possible, however if you spot an error please contact us and let us know. If you know of any services or information that would be useful to Edzell Woods residents, but is not listed here, please also get in touch!

A concise version of this local information is included in the resident welcome pack.

Bus, train and travel services

Currently Stagecoach Buses No. 20 & 21 go to  Edzell, Stracathro,  Brechin, Forfar, Dundee.

Details of buses serving Edzell Woods can be found here. Bus services may change depending on roadwork and weather continues.

Trainline is Europe’s leading train and coach app and brings together rail, coach and other travel services into one simple experience. They work with 270 rail and coach companies across 45 countries in Europe, to get the best prices and smart, real-time travel info on the go. 

You can also plan a public transport journey anywhere in Scotland using the Traveline journey planner.


John H. Roberts – 01561-320335
Scottsacre Solid Fuels – 01356-624580


Amy Dougan runs Amy’s Childcare Service is a registered Childminder who lives on the estate at 108 Perry Road. She can be contacted at amydougan04@gmail.com or by phone on 07598158801 or 01356 648646.


  • Laurencekirk Dental Practice, Health Centre, Blackiemuir Avenue, Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire AB30 1DX, phone: 01561 376476, email: laurencekirkdental.grampian@nhs.net
  • Links Lodge Dental Practice – 01674 672236 (Montrose) John Street, Montrose, DD10 8LZ & 01356 623 156 (Brechin) 1 St. James Place, Brechin, DD9 6ED
  • Esk Dental Care, Brechin, 01356 623156

Heath Centers

Edzell Surgery 01356-648209 (NHS Tayside area)

Mearns Health Centre Laurencekirk, 01561 377258 (NHS Grampian area)

Dog warden

If polite requests to “scoop the poop” are ignored you should report the offenders to either PC Jim Small or to Gillian Abel, Aberdeenshire Dog Warden, on 01569 768224 or 07880 782563. Email: gillian.abel@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.
Gillian is part of the Environmental Health Team, and has a very good reputation for resolving issues.

Estate factor

Bell Ingram , Manor Street, Forfar, DD8 1EX. Contact : Wendy Crighton 01307-462516.
Bell Ingram are only responsible for the collection of the maintenance fee, all other factoring duties will be carried out by the committee.

Food and deliveries

Fresh farm vegetables: Fernieflatt Farm, Kineff DD10 0TQ. Offers a good selection of quality fresh vegetables at a reasonable price. Free delivery of orders on a Tuesday and Friday. Phone: 01569750374 or 07790558880 (mobile).

Pick your own fresh fruit and vegetablesCharleton Fruit Farm, Montrose DD10 9EW. Pick your own fruit and vegetables This is a lovely place to take the kids over the Summer holidays.

Food vans and shops

Mobile pantry run by CFINE are now visiting every 2nd Friday of the month at 10.30 – 11.30. Updates shared in EWCT Facebook group and in the news section of the website.

Fish, fruit, and vegetables: A fish van comes around every Tuesday morning, listen for the vehicle horn. A fruit van comes around on Wednesday afternoons. A red van late Wednesday mornings delivers organic vegetables (call Mr Fraser at 01569-730195 for enquiries or to order in advance).

Further Education

Angus College, Arbroath, 01241-432600

Community Education

Mearns Community Education Centre, 148 High Street, Laurencekirk, AB30 1LB, phone: 01561-378298
Aberdeen and Dundee are well served with Universities and a variety of colleges.

Heating Oil

Boiler Servicing and Repairs

  • Boiler Services, Forfar, 01307-830318


Locations are at Brechin (St. Ninian’s Square) and Montrose (High Street).

You can also search for local library services here.

Local A&E

Brechin Infirmary, 01356-622291 (for minor injuries only).

Newspapers, Magazines, and Milk

Can be ordered and delivered from Wee Market Shop, Edzell, 647249

Neighbourhood Watch

Site contact no. Angus Styles, 647224. See more information here.


Edzell Primary School and Fettercairn Primary School.



999 emergencies, 101 non emergencies, Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 (anonymous reporting), online reporting.

Post Offices

Located in Edzell, Laurencekirk and Brechin. Find more branches here
There is a post box at the entrance to Edzell Woods.


There is a recycling facility beside the tennis court.
Larger items and garden waste can be disposed of at the Civic Amenity Sites in Laurencekirk and Brechin.
Vehicles can be disposed of at Mossbank Breakers, Fettercairn, 01561-340329
Find locations for additional recycling services here.

Refuse Collections

Collections are made by Aberdeenshire Council every Monday, alternating between general refuse & recycling. See the Council website for when your next collection is.

Religious Organisations

Local Church of Scotland locations (search for other locations here)

  1. Fettercairn: 9.30 Rev. Catherine Hepburn BA. BD. 01561-340203
  2. Edzell: 11.30 Rev. Alan Watt B.Th. 648455
  3. Luthermuir: 9.30 Rev. Ronald Gall Bsc. BD. 01561-37883 2nd & 4th Sundays

The closest Catholic Church is Saint Ninian’s in Brechin.

The closest mosques are in Dundee and Aberdeen(search for other locations here).

The closest synagogues are in Dundee and Aberdeen.


Luthermuir Primary, 01674-840304 (a bus is provided by Aberdeenshire Council, the bus stop is opposite the Ships Inn on Halsey Drive).

Edzell Primary, 648245 (own transport required, as this school is in Angus and therefore outwith the catchment area).

Mearns Academy Laurencekirk, 01561-378817 (transport provided from estate).


  •  Dial a Cab (Brechin – 01356 647 195)
  • DLC Taxi (Edzell – 07388 446816)
  • Taxi Cab Lorimer (Montrose – 01674 672557)
