EWCT Committee

YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! The Edzell Woods Community Trust committee is currently looking for volunteers!

EWCT works for the benefit of the entire Edzell Woods community. The EWCT committee is formed constituted and made up of elected members from the community, all of the committee members are volunteers and unpaid. The committee acts as the property manager for the estate infrastructure and common areas, recently engaging Bell Ingram for conduct day-to-day activities of the estate, such as collecting fees.

The aims and objectives the committee are:

  • To manage and make sustainable the common development areas of the site (including the sewage treatment works) for the benefit of all property owners.
  • To maintain the quality of the local environment through regular maintenance of the grounds and utilities.
  • To ensure that any future development is sustainable and not detrimental to the quality of life on the estate or the supporting infrastructure.

EWCT Committee members meet on the first Monday of the month. Minutes of meetings (including AGMs) and reports can be found on this page.

The committee are your representatives and vote on the best way of solving all problems. Any matters should be directed to them (see list below) and would be discussed at the next meeting. You can also send relevant queries or concerns on estate matters to the EWCT e-mail (edzellwoodsCT@gmail.com) or through this website. General information can be shared in the Edzell Woods Facebook group.

The Edzell Woods Communittee Trust previously operated as Edzell Woods Owners Group (EWOG).

Current (2025) Edzell Woods Community Board of Directors

  • Karen Traill
  • Maria Day
  • Ken Williams
  • Michael Riddle
  • Brian Smith

Current (2025) Edzell Woods Community Trust Committee Members

  • Karen Traill
  • Maria Day
  • Ken Williams
  • Aída Sororgentini
  • Michael Riddle
  • Brian Smith

If you are interested in being involved in the committee please get in touch.

Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd is a Scottish charity SC049876, Company number SC358018 (12 Traill Drive, Montrose, Scotland, DD10 8SW).