Below are some useful resources for all residents relating to coping with COVID-19. We applaud the efforts of members of the community to help provide support to others in this time of uncertainty. If you know of any additional resources that may be of use of residents of the estate, please get in touch!
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING as per government recommendations. For the health of the entire community, please do not gather in groups either in public spaces or private residents. Gatherings may be reported to police. Read more.
- How to access support in Scotland if you have been affected by COVID-19
- Help for Communities Hub
- NHS Advice
- Crime Prevention Advice
- Edzell Woods Community Giving Box
- Brechin Community Pantry
- Brechin Virus Help Group
- COVID-19 Rates in Scotland
How to access support in Scotland if you have been affected by COVID-19
This document contains information on how to access support in Scotland if you have been affected by COVID-19. Information is included for individuals, parents, businesses, and charities.
Help for Communities Hub
A new website and phoneline launched today, providing people all across Grampian with information on how to access social, practical and emotional support on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The new Assistance Hub goes live this morning, pulling together links to the latest advice from a range of partners including all three local authorities, Police, Health, Red Cross, volunteers and community information. It is a site for anyone in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray, with information for residents and businesses alike.
The website address is or call 0808 196 3384 (8am-8pm 7 days a week).
NHS Advice
NHS advice about coronavirus (COVID–19), including what to do if you think you have it and how to reduce your chances of getting it. Read more at
Crime Prevention Advice
The following document has been provided by Police Scotland on crime prevention during the corona virus outbreak: read/download document.
Edzell Woods Community Giving Box
Thanks to the great efforts of residents & Number 48, there is now a community giving box outside Number 48 by their letter box. Please note this will only have goods in it from approx between 10am and 7pm. There’ll be nothing left out overnight. See Edzell Woods Facebook Group for additional information and updates.
This box will be for all residents on the estate to try and help each other with non perishable good, toiletries etc. Please only take what you need ! This is imperative as to the continued use of this box! When you take something you need if possible drop something off! Please be aware that foods must be sealed and preferably in date although anything with a best before will be accepted (within reason). If available, please only take one roll of toilet roll per household.
Please don’t ring or knock on the door of number 48 in relation with the box, any issues message Catherine Mcdougall on Facebook.
Brechin Community Pantry
If anyone in Edzell Woods needs a food parcel please 01356 308 639 or 07564 245 739 and leave a message.
See website for further details:
Brechin Virus Help Group
Contact 01356 629191 or virus.brechin@gmail
Serving Brechin, Edzell, and Farnell. Isolated? Don’t know where to turn? We are there for you! Please note this is NOT a medical helpline.

COVID-19 Rates in Scotland

Graphs provided by Councillor George Carr.